Hanna's Suitcase Crossword

  1. 1. Concentration camp; present day Czech Republic.
  2. 2. Young Jewish girl who was killed in a gas chamber.
  3. 4. The Brady family pet, a wolfhound.
  4. 5. 1941-1945, Hitler and his Nazis killed thousands of Jewish men, women, and children.
  5. 7. A board game invented in the ghetto; based on monopoly.
  6. 8. Home of the Brady family, George, Hanna, Karel, and Marketa
  7. 9. A network of concentration and extermination camps.
  8. 12. Orphan
  9. 13. Former military fortress and concentration camp.
  10. 14. Mother of Hanna and George; arrested by the Gestapo; sent from Ravensbruck to Auschwitz and murdered there in 1942.
  11. 15. where people move to another area.
  12. 16. L410 Place where Hanna and other Jewish girls were sent and lived there.
  13. 18. of, David Representational figure of Judisam.
  14. 19. 23, 1944 The day that Hanna Brady was sent to Auschwitz and killesd in the gas chamber.
  1. 1. an exhibit filled with items from the Holocaust that were once owned by Hanna Brady.
  2. 3. Wings group of Japanese children that gather information about the Holocaust and teach it to other children.
  3. 6. brother of Hanna Brady; survived World War Two
  4. 10. Japanese woman whom teaches children about the Holocaust; creator of "Small Wings" and director of the Toyko Holocaust Center
  5. 11. Shared a bunk with George Brady in Teresienstadt.
  6. 16. Father of Hanna and George; murdered in 1942.
  7. 17. One of the older girls who was friends with Hanna in Kinderheim L410.