Happy 40th Birthday John!

  1. 5. Subject that earned him a C-
  2. 6. Number of marathons he's run
  3. 9. Street he lives on today
  4. 10. Location of multiple surgeries
  5. 11. Town of his favorite road race
  6. 13. Senior year high school award
  7. 15. Company he currently works for
  8. 16. Street he lived on in Lincoln Park
  9. 17. Middle name
  1. 1. High school sport
  2. 2. Month of his wedding
  3. 3. First college (freshman - sophomore)
  4. 4. Childhood alter ego
  5. 7. Hospital where he was born
  6. 8. Company where he met Beth
  7. 12. Favorite summer vacation spot
  8. 14. Name of his youngest child