Happy 8 Years!

  1. 2. Cutie with a what?
  2. 4. Your upgrade
  3. 6. What today is
  4. 7. Where we were August 20, 2016
  5. 10. Home of La Dates
  6. 13. Our favorite thing in common
  7. 15. Transportation & teacher
  8. 17. Our first real trip
  9. 18. Does this ring a bell?
  10. 19. Your special interest
  11. 20. My birthday flower
  12. 21. Current and previous home
  13. 23. And they were roommates
  1. 1. Your home for 3 years
  2. 3. Often in bunches
  3. 5. First kiss eyewitness
  4. 6. _____Genius
  5. 8. The day(s) we got married
  6. 9. Summer 2018
  7. 11. The beasts on our first date
  8. 12. The meal that changed our lives
  9. 14. Our constant refrain
  10. 16. _____baby boy
  11. 22. What you are