Happy Anniversary <3

  1. 3. the games we play with our friends
  2. 7. the podcast you got me into
  3. 8. your favorite doctor
  4. 9. I _ You
  5. 10. my Hogwarts house
  6. 12. your favorite superhero
  7. 13. 2021 top Spotify artist
  8. 14. your Hogwarts house
  9. 16. your animal crossing fav
  10. 17. first shared interest
  11. 18. song by the altogether
  1. 1. the movie we watched before our first kiss
  2. 2. your addiction
  3. 4. our song
  4. 5. my favorite flower
  5. 6. our anniversary
  6. 11. first date
  7. 15. things we exchange