Happy anniversary Kaylen

  1. 1. The first dinner or dessert you cooked me
  2. 3. What did we watch while puzzling at bilbro
  3. 5. Current city
  4. 8. The first trip we took together
  5. 11. Darling child
  6. 12. Wedding backdrop material
  7. 13. Where we met
  8. 14. COVID holiday joy
  9. 16. Water holder
  10. 18. The nickname you use for me
  11. 19. The month we moved in with Amanda
  12. 20. First smart speaker I gifted you
  1. 2. COVID DIY project
  2. 4. First thing I fixed for you
  3. 6. What kind of food did we eat on our first date
  4. 7. The first movie we watched together
  5. 9. Discount store cleaning item we upgraded at Amboress
  6. 10. Musical on repeat when we met
  7. 15. The name of the street where we first lived together
  8. 17. The month we met