Happy Birthday!

  1. 6. Caleb's favorite TV show.
  2. 7. Papa's age plus Lily's, Sam's, Nathan's, and Caleb's age minus yours.
  3. 8. What is the 6th book in the Bible?
  4. 10. What is the 66th book in the Bible?
  5. 12. What is Lily's favorite subject in school?
  6. 15. 3rd and 4th numbers in your phone number.
  1. 1. What is Sam's (and Nathan's) favorite subject in school?
  2. 2. BRB
  3. 3. ASAP
  4. 4. How old were you when you and Papa started to date?
  5. 5. LOL
  6. 9. Who is Lily's favorite Bible character?
  7. 11. Who is Sam's favorite Bible character?
  8. 13. What is your least favorite bug?
  9. 14. Who is Nathan's (and Caleb's) favorite Bible character?