Happy Birthday

  1. 3. The most vocal audience member at a Lady Gaga concert (4)
  2. 5. The type of queens that matter most (6)
  3. 6. The negative contraction of to slay (6)
  4. 7. Spanish authorities hit the jackpot with the web domain for these transport vehicles (5)
  5. 11. Activity nerds do on holiday (9)
  6. 14. Without one, heads will roll (10)
  7. 15. The location of a Canadian tourist attraction Sophia falsely claimed to have visited (7)
  8. 16. Órlaith's unfortunate doppelganger from a cartoon burger dynasty (4)
  9. 17. We’ll cry to _ and tequila shots, and they’ll never have to know (lyrics) (4)
  1. 1. You can’t make a _ without breaking some Gregs (8)
  2. 2. Always carry _ - #1 of the FATM commandments (5)
  3. 4. Catchy tune (German idiom) (7)
  4. 8. A friend of Christian Louboutin, known for his athleticism (6,5)
  5. 9. To say when clinking glasses (German) (5)
  6. 10. The home of Euros finals, old men and bats (9)
  7. 12. What to exclaim when one has finished representing in gymnastics - Go _ _ (5,8)
  8. 13. The freak natural disaster that would end it all for Sophia (8)