Happy Birthday, Ba!

  1. 3. Famous dancing chef (formal name)
  2. 4. Baby baby baby
  3. 6. Ba and La La's summer home
  4. 7. Fave podcast
  5. 11. Founder of Over 55
  6. 12. accompanies going going gone
  7. 15. Fave podcast
  8. 16. The city where BaPa met (in local language)
  9. 17. Where to buy the best chocolate
  1. 1. They live at 53 McCaul Street
  2. 2. Fave diminutive player
  3. 5. Best place to buy a pastry
  4. 8. The Yellow Rose of Texas
  5. 9. 2nd part baby baby baby
  6. 10. They live at 53 Mccaul Street
  7. 13. accompanies going going gone (part 2)
  8. 14. Ba's online screen presence
  9. 16. Texas Ba was born here (2 words)