Happy Birthday My Love

  1. 2. Known for Slightly Inappropriate/awkward laugher and crying
  2. 4. Sophia's favorite cooking task
  3. 6. Matt James favorite book
  4. 11. Georgian who saved future of nation
  5. 14. Tread lightly on discussing number of kids..Often asleep
  6. 17. Guest for hanging with friends at ocean firepit
  7. 18. Wardrobe/designer consultant with questionable wit
  8. 19. Inappropriate family birthday gift
  9. 20. Big pooks cooking break-through appliance
  10. 21. Literate in several languages…not quite 3 years old
  11. 23. Legal scholar in need of holiday card design tips
  12. 25. Franny's favorite apparel to toss outside
  13. 26. Italian octogenarian crush
  1. 1. Covid workplace for S&M client
  2. 3. Franny's facial trait that brings out the smiles
  3. 5. Brian's covid sanctuary
  4. 7. UWS sushi spot for the stars
  5. 8. TV judge whose vocabulary changes based on race
  6. 9. These people are NY's strongest
  7. 10. Franny's favorite family member to say
  8. 12. Wandering child, immediately get father a towel
  9. 13. Suspense show with no surprise
  10. 15. Eternal feeling for little pooks
  11. 16. Cryptic facebook responder/poster
  12. 17. WFH mid-day exercise
  13. 22. Blended foisting Treat
  14. 24. Franny's vocabulary for cold