Happy Easter!
- 2. Snday before Easter: ______ Sunday
- 5. How many marzipan balls are traditionally on the simnel cake?
- 6. type of hat traditionally worn at Easter
- 8. the season that Easter happens in
- 13. Eggs symbolize new ______ .
- 14. type of flower you see at easter time
- 15. day before Easter, Holy ___ •
- 16. What are Easter treats made of?
- 18. Holy Thursday is also called ________ Thursday.
- 1. spring flower
- 3. period of 40 days of fasting beginning on Ash Wednesday
- 4. At Easter we celebrate the ________ of Christ.
- 6. The Easter ________ brings you eggs and treats.
- 7. Who betrayer <jesus just before his crucifixion?
- 9. Friday fefore Easter is called ______ Friday.
- 10. baby chickens
- 11. Easter is a four day ________.
- 12. what you collect your easter eggs in
- 17. one of the symbols of Easter