Happy Eleven Months!

  1. 5. You are the best _______ on the planet!
  2. 6. Amber will be going to _______ in the fall.
  3. 7. The best salad can be found at ______ _______.
  4. 10. My favorite thing on the Red Lobster menu is _____ _____.
  5. 13. When I get in the car, I ____ __ _____ first thing.
  6. 14. I love your _______ ways.
  7. 16. I made the kids' valentines using ________.
  8. 18. I love to ____ for you.
  9. 19. You make my day when you bring me ________.
  10. 20. "Erin go bragh" means "Ireland _______."
  11. 22. You like to see me in _____.
  12. 23. I think your ____ are cute.
  1. 1. We had a _______ on Valentine's Night.
  2. 2. I get the most relief from back pain from ____.
  3. 3. Breanna loves _____.
  4. 4. You're my favorite ________ ____.
  5. 8. I just had to have that ____ hat from Target.
  6. 9. I think your _____ is sexy.
  7. 11. I absolutely _______ you!
  8. 12. I go to the _______ store frequently when I want retail tx.
  9. 15. I buy less ______ than most women do.
  10. 17. I have more _______ than I need.
  11. 18. I _______ what we have together.
  12. 21. I made up little ______ for the kids' valentines.
  13. 22. I gave you a ___ on Valentine's Day.