Happy Jamika Day #2!

  1. 2. What does Brick declare he loves?
  2. 4. Best Picture winner directed by Ben Affleck
  3. 6. Won back-to-back Best Actor Oscars in the '90s
  4. 7. "Aim for the ..."
  5. 9. Number of Star Wars "universe" feature films
  6. 10. Team name for St. Louis and Arizona
  7. 11. Sometimes referred to as "the baba yaga" (two words)
  8. 14. There are ever only two, a master and an apprentice
  9. 16. Actress who plays Wonder Woman
  10. 17. fruit or Tina Fey character
  11. 18. College dorm description or pig's home
  12. 19. My first cat's name
  13. 20. Some no longer consider this a planet
  1. 1. Will Ferrell has played Ron Burgundy and this character in two movies each
  2. 3. Plays Agent Dunham (two words)
  3. 5. The only sandwich cookie known to Crosswords
  4. 7. "A tasty pudding"
  5. 8. Defending Super Bowl Champions
  6. 9. First all sports channel
  7. 12. Keira's future school mascot
  8. 13. Confirms love in Hallmark movies
  9. 15. Most recent Christopher Nolan film
  10. 18. place to relax