Happy New Year 2022

  1. 2. Our new address: 4319 SAGECREST DR NE 97322-4716 is in this Oregon city also a city in New York.
  2. 5. We wish you a (blank “Trading Places” style)
  3. 6. Darlene prepared a variety of Swedish foods for her family also known as this.
  4. 8. Allegra works on this hill for a congressman.
  5. 11. a rover looking for signs life and also word of the year
  6. 14. Antonea and Ivan bought a house across this river.
  7. 15. Daryl provides mental health services this way.
  8. 16. Antonea and Allegra enjoyed a sister’s vacation this group of Hawaiian islands also known as this.
  9. 19. We built a lot of this during another challenging year.
  10. 21. Allegra’s graduate school in D.C.
  11. 24. You may call then hazelnuts, we call them this in Oregon.
  12. 25. To stay extra safe we also got this.
  13. 26. Valley where we live towards the end of the Oregon Trail.
  14. 28. be one these if you want to forget 2021’s difficulties quickly.
  1. 1. Steph and Daryl made their own chocolate from beans in this country in Central America
  2. 3. a model of working part-time from home
  3. 4. We connected with family and friends here in 2021.
  4. 7. Our Oregon family gathered for this type of mystery party Thanksgiving Eve.
  5. 9. 1970 animated movie for which our kitties (Berlioz and Toulouse) were named.
  6. 10. something we drank instead of doing a homonym that means complaining
  7. 11. Antonea is a police officer in this proudly “wierd” city.
  8. 12. Darlene (Mom/Grandma) celebrated this biennial Swedish festival with friends and family.
  9. 13. (slang) Something we got to protect others in 2021.
  10. 17. Steph made many calls asking school families to do this.
  11. 18. Steph is here, she’s there, she’s every f-ing-where in her role as a middle school (blank).
  12. 20. a type of hug we send to all of you from afar
  13. 22. Darlene celebrated this birthday, a.k.a. short for cancel that order.
  14. 23. Daryl in no Bjorn Borg but did play this regularly.
  15. 27. TV series with a Wichita State reference helping many through 2021.