Happy New Year! 2025
- 3. The ONLY thing students can drink in my room is clear ____ with a lid.
- 5. Students are NOT allowed to ____ in my room unless it's a reward given by me.
- 8. You should have five sharp _____ in your bucket at the end of class.
- 10. When class time is "over," you must stop, look, and _____.
- 13. Always sit in your _____ seat.
- 14. When you leave to use the restroom, turn on the ____ by the door. Turn it OFF when you come back.
- 15. You should always do your bellwork ____ unless I say you can talk.
- 17. You are ____ if you aren't in my room, getting started on bellwork in your seat, or already on your way to your seat when class time begins.
- 18. If you get ____ strikes, you may get a Bloom, silent lunch, and a call home.
- 19. The only people who should open the door are the ones who sit the _____ to it.
- 20. If your whole class does great, I might move your class ____ closer to the finish line for a class party!
- 1. The first thing you should do when you come in the room is read the ____.
- 2. If your pencil ____, raise it up so I can see it to get permission to sharpen it.
- 4. No one at your table will be _____ until your table and area are cleaned up.
- 6. Only ____ person can leave the classroom at a time.
- 7. Try to earn and save up ____ to trade in for rewards.
- 9. If you get one strike during class, you have a ____.
- 11. You shouldn't leave your _____ without permission
- 12. If you need to use the restroom, raise your hand and cross your _____.
- 16. At the end of class, group ____ should make sure their group's table and pencil bucket are ready for the next class.
- 19. Students should NEVER open my drawers or ____ without permission.
- 21. If the light by the door is ____, don't ask to use the restroom.