Happy New Year BHC!

  1. 2. BHC address?
  2. 4. Afternoon snack time?
  3. 6. You wear it around here?
  4. 7. Place to exercise where almost nobody goes?
  5. 12. Our neighbor to the north?
  6. 13. Where to go for meals?
  7. 14. Time for breakfast?
  8. 15. Watch your step for this?
  9. 16. MHRC?
  10. 17. RCFE?
  1. 1. Time for lunch?
  2. 3. ARF?
  3. 5. We have many long monotonous ones?
  4. 8. The 2 buses that stop out front?
  5. 9. Time for evening snack?
  6. 10. Why are we lining up not for food?
  7. 11. Outside in the middle of the first floor?