Happy Valentine's Day

  1. 2. fur babies
  2. 4. Springers and Thompsons
  3. 6. where the trees start
  4. 11. southern hi
  5. 12. Yvonne Bogle nee...
  6. 14. love in Paris or Montreal
  7. 15. weiner dog
  8. 17. peachy destination
  9. 19. Flamingo palace
  10. 20. California - Nevada lake
  11. 21. bottom feeder, also what could have been
  12. 22. Tulk or Bogle?
  13. 24. maiden of honor
  14. 25. Bledsoe, Marks, and Bogle informally
  15. 26. what is it good for?
  16. 27. best man
  17. 28. hometown
  1. 1. Clarksburg California output
  2. 3. Janssens informally
  3. 5. cat and body double
  4. 7. Glass Pool...
  5. 8. sin city
  6. 9. nuptials month
  7. 10. apartment street
  8. 13. illusionist
  9. 16. wifi pw
  10. 18. years in Mexico City
  11. 19. wedding chapel
  12. 23. middle two of eldest