Happy Valentine's Day!

  1. 4. Look at ___
  2. 7. You love this and I don't always get it
  3. 9. Opposite of "neuh"
  4. 12. Thank you, honey
  5. 15. Us, working
  6. 16. What you make me
  7. 18. Box you don't like scooping
  8. 19. Your fave site
  9. 20. Worlds slowest mover
  10. 22. What I am for you, every day
  11. 24. Not green
  12. 27. Kiss me, Fr.
  13. 31. The thing made better by you
  14. 32. Our song
  15. 34. Our dead plant
  16. 35. Shameful
  17. 36. Our first kiss
  18. 38. He ain't never been fishing
  19. 39. Where we met eyes
  1. 1. Worlds fastest pooper
  2. 2. What you make me
  3. 3. Us, not working
  4. 5. Favorite game together?
  5. 6. Freeze!
  6. 8. My fave site
  7. 10. My favorite thing
  8. 11. There aren't enough in this world
  9. 13. "___ and Leonard"
  10. 14. Happy
  11. 17. Thank you, honey
  12. 21. Nana's all ___ treat
  13. 23. Never use this font
  14. 25. Go-To dinner choice
  15. 26. Alaskan songstress of note
  16. 28. Pointless movie genre
  17. 29. How much I love you
  18. 30. Why you need the big remote at your house
  19. 33. Important
  20. 35. You don't like this, but I don't mind it
  21. 37. Yours are better