Happy Valentine's Day

  1. 1. What we send each other all day
  2. 3. Type of place where we first went on a date
  3. 5. Josie's color
  4. 6. 2006 hit: she's the ____
  5. 8. Northwest sushi
  6. 9. Where Taylor Swift and the Seahawks have both been
  7. 12. The color of the creek where we met
  8. 16. How many times we've gotten Covid in total
  9. 17. Jake’s favorite part of the thanksgiving meal
  10. 18. One with too many dogs
  11. 21. The best kind of steaks; also, not attractive
  12. 22. The type of salmon that we can never catch enough of
  13. 23. Where there’s nothing to do
  14. 24. Best Mexican food in the north
  15. 26. Where some mammals hibernate; also, part of a band name
  16. 28. Southwest sushi
  17. 29. Where you lived when we first met; or, where you raise cattle
  18. 31. “Big” sailgate vehicle
  19. 32. Semi-public lake that's too loud
  20. 34. Where the hot dogs and rotisserie chicken is
  21. 36. How one sees more clearly
  22. 37. What we say when we see dogs that look like our dog
  1. 2. What you do at a private lake
  2. 4. The lion with beer
  3. 7. The wrong name for a cake shop
  4. 10. How you get around in Alaska
  5. 11. Lola’s favorite part of the thanksgiving meal
  6. 13. Internet password
  7. 14. Tumerico is the #1 restaurant according to what app?
  8. 15. It can go 0-60 in 4.4 seconds
  9. 19. Matcha_____
  10. 20. Tulsa band
  11. 23. _____ Smith, Successor to Russell Wilson
  12. 25. The only milk worth drinking
  13. 27. Taylor Swift has a ten of these
  14. 30. How you get down river
  15. 33. Place in Washington or type of donut
  16. 35. Seasonal trader or step-brother