Happy Valentine's Day

  1. 3. Agent Danvers is also __________
  2. 4. Batman live in ________
  3. 8. I am ________ of you
  4. 9. Part one of who we have to thank
  5. 12. Your favorite Disney movie
  6. 16. The play we went too in December
  7. 18. You can always make me ________
  8. 20. Where did we meet?
  9. 23. Who likes to get in the middle of us when we are cuddling?
  10. 24. What DC character am I obsessed with?
  11. 26. First show I got you hooked on
  12. 27. The play we are going to in April
  1. 1. I ______ you so much
  2. 2. What did I use to ask you to be my girlfriend?
  3. 5. You gave me a _______________ stuffed animal
  4. 6. Our favorite doctor show
  5. 7. Our favorite place
  6. 9. Our favorite thing to do
  7. 10. The hottest "Grounder/Skycrew" member
  8. 11. I still haven't finished this show
  9. 13. Who am I obsessed with?
  10. 14. I always want ________ from you
  11. 15. I got my ________ pierced our first night hanging out
  12. 17. Part two of who we have to thank
  13. 19. My favorite kind of dog
  14. 21. Who do I love most?
  15. 22. Should've never died
  16. 25. Your favorite Women's basketball team is from _______