Happy Valentine's Day!! :)

  1. 4. Where did we meet?
  2. 7. Where was your first trip together?
  3. 9. What is my favorite date we've gone on?
  4. 11. What is my favorite show?
  5. 13. What is my favorite part of your body?
  6. 14. What is my favorite candy?
  7. 15. Who is my favorite singer?
  8. 17. When is our anniversary?
  9. 18. Where was our first date?
  10. 20. What is my middle name?
  11. 21. Where did you tell me you loved me?
  1. 1. What is my favorite food?
  2. 2. What color are my eyes?
  3. 3. girl What do I love for you to call me?
  4. 5. What is my favorite thing to do with you?
  5. 6. What is something we like to do together?
  6. 8. What am I excited for us to do soon?
  7. 10. When is my birthday?
  8. 12. How long have we been together?
  9. 16. What do I love to tell you?
  10. 19. What is something you have taught me?