HARD Crossword Puzzle To Do If You're Bored During the Service

  1. 2. My favorite John Green book The _____ In Our Stars
  2. 4. My white & black cat's name
  3. 5. Who I campaigned for as a baby
  4. 7. The supplier of my clothing and the kindest friend
  5. 8. My favorite beach (hint: SC )
  6. 9. My zodiac sign (a cross between a goat and fish)
  7. 11. My sleepaway camp
  8. 12. My black cat's name
  9. 13. Actress who played Captain Marvel (Hint: cheese)
  1. 1. My hero (Nobel peace prize winner)
  2. 3. Where did I live until I was 9?
  3. 6. My favorite ice cream flavor
  4. 9. My favorite couple from Riverdale
  5. 10. My favorite ship from Percy Jackson
  6. 12. My favorite finger