Hard winter cross-word

  1. 6. small frosty bits that fall from the sky
  2. 7. something we use to cover up from the cold
  3. 9. cookies that are typically in the form of people, sometimes there are houses you make out of this as well.
  4. 10. the feeling of being chilly
  5. 12. a time to with celebrate family
  6. 13. Originally a Christian holiday, celebrated by most anyone now though.
  7. 14. what you hang ornaments on for Christmas
  8. 16. the changing of colors on trees, or other plants, sometimes weather
  9. 17. comes from cows, and is drank more frequently around winter time.
  1. 1. A Jewish holiday
  2. 2. usually wrapped in wrapping paper with a bow on top
  3. 3. time off for a period of time
  4. 4. tradition to kiss under this plant when hung
  5. 5. you get treats that appear in here Christmas day
  6. 8. relatives, friends, etc.
  7. 11. sweet treats you get on holiday
  8. 15. a plant that survives during winter and is very poky, and grows berries that are sightly poisonous.
  9. 16. we wrap this fabric around our necks, and sometimes faces