Computer Quiz

  1. 2. example of a system software
  2. 4. brain of a computer
  3. 7. Input Device
  4. 8. Wireless fidelity
  5. 9. Raw facts
  6. 13. Physical Components
  7. 14. output device
  8. 15. gives access to online resources
  9. 16. founded by Bill Gate
  10. 17. Single Purpose
  11. 19. Output device
  12. 21. Multi-purpose machine
  1. 1. portable computer
  2. 3. Operating system
  3. 5. Processed Facts
  4. 6. input device
  5. 10. Mobile system software
  6. 11. Type of display
  7. 12. Instruction from user
  8. 18. LOng term memory
  9. 20. Short term memory