Harry Potter
- 5. What a witch would use to cast spell (In Spanish)
- 7. What does a witch cast?
- 8. What is the name of the school principal?
- 11. What type of animal is Hedwig (In Spanish)
- 12. What do wizards wear to avoid being seen?
- 15. What animal is the mascot of the house called Slytherin? (In Spanish)
- 1. The scar on Harry Potter's head has what shape?
- 2. What do witches use to fly? (In Spanish)
- 3. La escuela de Harry Potter es...
- 4. What means of transportation is used by Harry Potter and his friends to get to his school? (In Spanish)
- 5. Who is "the one who must not be named"?
- 6. What sport do wizards play using a broomstick?
- 9. How would a "person with no magical powers" be called?
- 10. He is the keeper of Keys and Grounds of Hogwarts
- 13. ¿Quién es el mejor amigo de Harry Potter? (In Spanish)
- 14. Who is Harry Potter's smartest friend?