  1. 2. Cedric Diggory's patronus
  2. 5. The most powerful wand ever created
  3. 10. The house elf of the Malfoy's
  4. 11. The muggle object Arthur Weasley was fascinated by
  5. 12. Ron Weasley’s pets name
  6. 14. Killed Bellatrix Lestrange
  7. 15. The name of the ghost in the girls bathroom first
  1. 1. Hagrid gave Harry Potter on his 11th birthday
  2. 3. Harry Potter’s owls name
  3. 4. The last horcrux
  4. 6. Harry potter's birth place
  5. 7. The anigamus form of Professor Mcgonagall
  6. 8. Dumbledore's brothers name
  7. 9. Cedric Diggory's girlfriend
  8. 13. The name of the poltergeist of Hogwarts
  9. 16. The last thing Professor Snape gave Harry Potter as he died