Harry Potter

  1. 4. "Weasley is our ____"
  2. 9. Aunt Marge resembled one at one time
  3. 10. Last name of twin's accomplice
  4. 12. Easily favorite thing of cousin
  5. 13. Number of Deathly Hallows
  6. 14. Mother of Harry Potter
  1. 1. Father and lover of muggles
  2. 2. Harry endured these in his 5th year
  3. 3. Number of years Harry spent at Hogwarts
  4. 5. Last name of Harry's female best friend
  5. 6. Harry's love interest
  6. 7. Mother of first friend
  7. 8. Father of Harry Potter
  8. 11. Ron frequently used this word to describe people