Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

  1. 3. Spell to create light
  2. 5. A creature which lives in the lake
  3. 6. Amount of tasks in the Triwizrd Cup
  4. 8. Type of dragon
  5. 9. Magical school
  6. 11. Quidditch player on the Irish team
  7. 13. Prefect's bathroom password
  8. 15. What was the answer to the sphinx's riddle?
  9. 16. Triwizard cup contestant(First name only)
  1. 1. Which team won the Quidditch world cup?
  2. 2. Mad-Eye gets in trouble for jinxing his...
  3. 4. Mode of transportation
  4. 5. Works in Committee on Experimental Charms
  5. 7. What fruit must you tickle to enter the Hogwart's kitchen?
  6. 9. All Death Eaters have a...
  7. 10. Wears a dress because he doesn't understand muggle fashion
  8. 12. Draco Malfoy, the amazing bouncing...
  9. 14. The name of a female house elf