Clone of ~Harry Potter Crossword~
- 6. Fifth Harry Potter Book
- 7. How many Harry Potter movies there are
- 8. First Harry Potter Book
- 9. Cedric Digory's house
- 11. Draco Malfoy's house
- 15. Ron's middle name
- 19. Third Harry Potter Book
- 21. The transfiguration teacher
- 22. "He who must not be named"
- 23. Luna Lovegood's house
- 1. Second Harry Potter Book
- 2. Fourth Harry Potter Book
- 3. A ball used in quidditch
- 4. How many Harry Potter books there are
- 5. The tree Ron Weasley's dad's car gets stuck in
- 10. Seventh Harry Potter Book
- 12. Sixth Harry Potter Book
- 13. Harry Potter's house
- 14. The most popular sport played by wizards
- 15. Where Ron Weasley lives
- 16. Hermione's cat
- 17. Headmaster of hogwarts
- 18. The levitating charm
- 20. The three headed dog