harry pt 2

  1. 3. Hermione tried using hair from _ for her Polyjuice potion, but ended up with cat hair instead
  2. 4. ron had gone to find more of what when hermione sat with harry to atlk about krum’s behavioir with luna’s dad at the wedding
  3. 5. jinx that could be used to propel a small wad of material at a high velocity (such as gum)
  4. 7. the color Harry turned the robes in Ron’s Chudley Cannons poster when he came of age
  5. 9. what did Dumbledore serve the Dursleys in their home when picking up harry before his 6th year at Hogwarts
  6. 11. What type of dog does Aunt Marge breed
  7. 14. Sirius black’s father’s name
  8. 16. draco malfoys grandfather
  9. 17. as long as a werewolf drinks this potion the week before a full moon, they are able to keep their mind when they transform
  10. 19. which first year fell into the lake before the sorting feast
  11. 20. who was the executioner appointed to execute buckbeak
  12. 26. Dumbledore was wrapped in a gold starred velvet of what color after he died
  13. 27. what day of the week did the grangers plan to go to diagon alley before hermione started her second year at Hogwarts
  14. 29. wizarding equivalent of Muggle binoculars, but with additional features
  15. 30. Runcorn had gone home with one of these during the infiltration of the ministry of magic by the trio
  16. 31. where is the riddle house located
  17. 32. during their care of magical creature lesson on WHAT CREATURE could harry and his classmates win an enormous slab of honeyduke chocolate
  18. 34. what type of tree grew near the riddles grave outside the church
  19. 35. which item at breakfast did harry pretend to dose with felix felicis before ron’s quidditch game
  20. 36. monkshood and wolfsbane are two of the three names for a plant used in potions what is the third name
  21. 37. Well-liked and sometimes famous students at Hogwarts were invited to this out-of-hours dining and social club
  22. 39. a prison built by Gellert Grindelwald to hold his opponents
  23. 43. what did Hedwig catch on her hunt before returning to privet drive the night harry was attacked by dementors
  24. 44. what wood was lily evan’s wand made out of
  25. 45. What is ron’s patronus
  26. 46. Arthur weasley’s patronus
  27. 49. what spell did harry use to get cedric alone to tell him abou the dragons for the first task
  28. 51. what was the name of the death eater that snape encountered outside of the Malfoy manor (7th book)
  29. 52. headmaster of durmstrang institute
  30. 53. one of dumbledore's middle names
  31. 54. Professor _ was the Defense against the dark arts teacher who cursed the position
  1. 1. during the battle in the Hall of Prophecies what color is the flame that hits Hermione in the chest
  2. 2. Hagrid’s mother’s name
  3. 3. Hermione was disguised as this person while infiltrating the ministry of magic
  4. 6. draco malfoys grandfather died from what
  5. 8. Professor Sprout’s signal to the students that they could take off their earmuffs
  6. 10. before his hearing at the ministry of magic harry had toast for breakfast with what topping
  7. 12. a member of voldemort’s ‘bounty hunters’
  8. 13. magical creature half horse half human
  9. 15. last name of the couple the dersley’s had over when dobby showed up
  10. 18. remus was murdered by the death eater by this name
  11. 21. cornelius fudge was voted _ wizard of the year (1995)
  12. 22. Fred and George fed a _ _ _ to a salamander they ‘rescued’ at Hogwarts
  13. 23. Nicolas flame’s wife’s name
  14. 24. remus gave his 3rd year students an essay about _ the week after Sirius black’s second break in at Hogwarts
  15. 25. snape mentions that this would make even you-know-who spill out his darkest secrets
  16. 28. whose office was harry originally supposed to have his underaged magic hearing in
  17. 33. one of dumbledore’s middle names
  18. 38. cornelius fudge wears a bowler hat that is what color
  19. 40. ron was disguised as this person while infiltrating the ministry of magic
  20. 41. according to Trelawney what does a two of spades mean
  21. 42. what day of the week did harry potter have his first DADA class in his fourth year
  22. 44. one of dumbledore's middle names
  23. 47. an object enchated to instantly bring anyone touching it to a specific location
  24. 48. what is Viktor Krum’s nationality
  25. 50. the spell tonks used to clean up the feathers and droppings in hedwigs cage the first time she met harry