Harry's genetics work

  1. 2. A length of dna that contains genetic code
  2. 3. Allele that shows itself in a phenotype.
  3. 7. When two alleles are the same e.g. RR
  4. 8. When an organism has different alleles e.g. Rr
  5. 10. Amino Acids
  6. 11. Parts of dna that are involved in pairing
  7. 12. shows traits over succesive generations
  8. 14. Allele that does not take precedence over a dominant allele in a phenotype
  9. 15. An alternative gene
  1. 1. Thread like structure of nucleic acids and proteins
  2. 2. Genetic coding for a phenotype
  3. 4. The basic structural unit of dna
  4. 5. The core of the cell that contains dna
  5. 6. Visible outcome of a trait
  6. 7. Having the same structure of genes and proteins
  7. 9. Crossing an unknown individual with a homozygous recessive
  8. 10. Homozygous (dominant RR or recessive rr)
  9. 13. Characteristic of a phenotype