Havighurst Theory

  1. 2. period of development before birth.
  2. 4. environmental variables; childhood experiences how we were raised social relationship, surrounding culture.
  3. 8. Havighurst has identified six major age periods, 13-18 years is what age periods.
  4. 11. discontinuity view sees development as more abrupt a succession of changes to produce different behaviors in different age specific life.
  5. 12. a process where women experience hormonal changes which result in the loss of ability to reproduce.
  6. 14. the foundation period of life covering to 2-6 years of our life.
  7. 15. an intra-individual transformation that is attributed to progressions corresponding to age.
  8. 17. the true foundation age.
  9. 18. genes and heredity factors such as physical appearance personality characteristics
  10. 19. it is a period that extends from conception to death.
  11. 20. a___adulthood is the period where people experience stress due to the double responsibilities of caring for the aged parents and the growing children . Many psychological and intellectual changes occur in the stage.
  1. 1. the child must learn to become a birthday , responsible adult through restraints imposed by his society is a theory of___.
  2. 3. the child will develop best if it left as free as possible is a theory of____.
  3. 5. there are two specific ways to study nature-nurture the twin studies and ___ studies.
  4. 6. according to Havighurst it is one that arises at the certain period in our lives , the successful achievement of which leads to happiness and success with later tasks.
  5. 7. germinal , embryonic and ____periods are three stages of prenatal development.
  6. 9. personalities are modified through interaction with family , experiences at school , and acculturation.
  7. 10. he is Developmental Theorist.
  8. 13. the belief that personality traits present during infancy injured throughout the lifespan.
  9. 16. it is equivalent to old age and it is a final stage of physical change.