Havighurst Theory

  1. 7. is rightly equivalent to old age.
  2. 8. implies personality traits present during infancy endure throughout the lifespan.
  3. 10. defines a developmental task as one that arises at a certain period in our lives, the successful achievement of which leads to happiness and success with later tasks; while leads to unhappiness, social disapproval, and difficulty with later tasks
  4. 14. This is the period of slow and uniform growth. Physical growth follows a predictable pattern, although variations do occur.
  5. 15. HAVIGHURST The Concept Of Developmental Tasks .The term developmental task was introduced by Robert Havighurst
  6. 16. birth to 2 weeks of life
  1. 1. is the period of several years in which rapid physical growth and psychological changes occur, culminating in sexual maturity.
  2. 2. is midway between an individual need and societal demand
  3. 3. period refer to period of development before birth. It is a period that ranges from conception to birth.
  4. 4. The discontinuity view sees development as more abrupt-a succession of changes that produce different behaviors in different age-specific life periods
  5. 5. stage is the foundation period of life covering 2 - 6 years of our life. It is a period of rapid - physical, mental, emotional, social and language development of a child.
  6. 6. is the true foundation age. At this time, many behavior patterns, attitudes, and emotional expressions are established. It is a critical period in setting the pattern for personal and emotional adjustments.
  7. 9. refers to the impact of the environment, which involves the process of learning through experiences.
  8. 11. refers to the process of biological maturation inheritance and maturation.
  9. 12. can be defined as the period that extends from conception to death.
  10. 13. is the period of development that begins at puberty and ends at emerging adulthood; the typical age range is from 12 to 18 years, and this stage of development has some predictable physical milestones