HCA 201B (Week 2 - Part 2)

  1. 3. Inflammation of the skin caused by allergy-causing substance
  2. 4. Metabolic disorder hyperglycemia
  3. 6. Catheter inserted into bladder through urethra
  4. 7. Condition caused by underactive thyroid gland
  5. 12. Diseases spread through sexual contact
  6. 14. Condition caused by overactive thyroid gland
  7. 15. Disease that spreads easily
  1. 1. Inflammation of the liver caused by virus
  2. 2. Infection in urinary system
  3. 5. Chronic liver disease - cells replaced by scar tissue
  4. 8. Chemical substance secreted by specialized glands
  5. 9. Protection against certain disease or infection
  6. 10. "Master gland" in the brain
  7. 11. Sugar in the urine
  8. 13. Condition with low blood sugars