Headway Intermediate Unit 4 Var.1

  1. 3. кланяться;
  2. 4. a formal dinner for many people on an important occasion;
  3. 6. с коротким рукавом (adj.);
  4. 8. one of the two thin sticks that you use to eat food in Asian countries;
  5. 9. сырой;
  6. 11. добавочный номер;
  7. 12. a type of skirt, traditionally worn by Scottish men;
  8. 14. пристегивать;
  1. 1. an official document that allowesyou to drive on public roads;
  2. 2. not very big, expensive, etc. such as a gift;
  3. 5. жаловаться;
  4. 7. чаевые;
  5. 10. хозяйка дома;
  6. 13. to open your mouth wide and breathe in deeply, usually because you are tired or bored;