- 2. 1 Diabetes Immune system attacks and destroys beta cells in the pancreas.
- 3. Positive or beneficial stress.
- 4. Cofactors in enzymatic reactions.
- 6. Management Monitoring and balancing calorie intake.
- 9. Being fully present in the moment without judgment.
- 12. Higher than normal but not yet in the diabetes range.
- 13. Mechanisms Adaptive strategies to manage stress.
- 15. Health Overall well-being of the heart and blood vessels.
- 19. Health Maintaining cardiovascular well-being.
- 20. Condition of excessive body weight.
- 25. Diseases Conditions affecting the heart and blood vessels.
- 26. Labels Reading and understanding nutritional information.
- 27. Gain Increase in body weight.
- 28. High blood pressure.
- 29. "Stress hormone" produced in response to stress.
- 31. Deficiencies Lack of essential nutrients in the diet.
- 33. Essential for healthy bones and teeth.
- 1. Buildup in arteries, hindering blood flow.
- 5. Diet Consuming a variety of nutrients in appropriate proportions.
- 7. Cord Nutrient exchange during pregnancy.
- 8. Absorption Process of absorbing nutrients from food.
- 10. Body Mass Index, measures body weight in relation to height.
- 11. Control Balancing diet and exercising regularly.
- 14. Facilitates nutrient exchange during pregnancy.
- 16. Management Techniques for coping with stress.
- 17. Control Managing food intake to prevent overeating.
- 18. Hormone released during stress for pain relief.
- 21. Function Body's ability to resist infections.
- 22. Diabetes Higher than normal but not yet in the diabetes range.
- 23. Fats Energy storage.
- 24. Tissue growth and repair.
- 26. Food Concerns include high calorie and fat content, excessive sugar and salt, low essential nutrients, and large portion sizes.
- 27. Ingredients Fresh, unprocessed components of food.
- 28. Blood Pressure Optimal pressure in the circulatory system.
- 29. Energy source.
- 30. Temperature regulation.
- 32. 2 Diabetes Often associated with lifestyle factors.