- 5. Something that can cause an allergic reaction
- 6. when your body doesnt make enough insulin
- 8. A chronic condition is a health condition or disease that is persistent or otherwise long-lasting
- 9. Tissue that forms when cells grow and divide more than they should
- 12. something that is passed on from parent to child in DNA
- 14. A structural or functional anomalies that occur during intrauterine life
- 16. Something that causes cancer
- 18. when blood dosent get to the heart
- 20. The inflammation or swelling of one or more joints
- 21. When your body doesnt make any or enough insulin
- 22. when blood vessels in the arteries get thick and stiff
- 24. the thickening or hardening of the arteries
- 1. When the tissues in the joint break down over time
- 2. A response by the body to a substance that is thought to be a threat when it isnt
- 3. A disorder characterized by the progressive loss of function and/or structure of the affected tissues.
- 4. a hormone that lowers the level of sugar in the blood.
- 7. When your body makes too much sugar in your body.
- 8. A disease or condition that usually lasts for 3 months or longer and may get worse over time.
- 10. A condition when blood vessels have persistently raised pressure
- 11. using a balloon to stretch open a narrowed or blocked artery.
- 13. When blood can’t get to the brain
- 15. medical conditions that cannot be spread among living things and objects, but develop under very specific conditions.
- 17. A type of drug that stops the action of histamines
- 19. A reaction that makes the skin itchy, sometimes caused by allergys
- 23. a condition in which your airways narrow and swell and may produce extra mucus