Health Education Theory and Application

  1. 1. skills / Tools you can use to make choices
  2. 7. health / Heath that involves your body
  3. 9. health / Health that involves your communication skills
  4. 10. skills / Used to interact and communicate with other people
  5. 15. / Balance of physical, emotional, intellectual, and social health
  6. 17. / A state of health and wellness
  7. 18. health / Health that involves your emotions
  8. 19. / An abnormal physical or mental condition
  1. 2. knowledge / Based on experimentation, peer reviewed, repeatable
  2. 3. / Is a body of knowledge regarding the natural world
  3. 4. / State of wellness you hope to reach
  4. 5. health / Health that involves the ability to think clear
  5. 6. diseases / Diseases that occur for many years
  6. 8. / A poor state of health
  7. 11. / Refers to health claims and theories
  8. 12. health / A state of excellent health and wellness
  9. 13. disease / Diseases that occur and resolve quickly
  10. 14. promotion / A process in which you take charge of your own health and wellness
  11. 16. learning / A continuing pursuit of learning