
  1. 1. used to describe a woman or man whose spouse has died
  2. 3. to give a document to someone
  3. 5. a child or relative under the age of 19, disabled, or a student under age 24
  4. 6. medical care for babies and children
  5. 9. the financial protection provided by insurance
  6. 10. vaccines to prevent infection by a disease
  7. 11. a place where drugs and medicines are prepared and sold
  8. 12. to have the right to be a part of something
  1. 2. able to do or receive something
  2. 4. medical department that deals with bones and muscles
  3. 5. medical department that deals with skin
  4. 7. happening or coming first
  5. 8. money that is earned from work, etc.