Health - About Germs pg. 1 & 2

  1. 2. These pathogens are carried in blood.
  2. 4. Germs that cause the flu spread through here.
  3. 6. Vaccines help builds this to guard against a virus.
  4. 8. Contagious diseases are also known as this.
  5. 10. Hepatitis can permanently damage this.
  6. 14. This is an example of a communicable disease.
  7. 16. These pathogens are more contagious than bloodborne.
  8. 17. These spread quickly through water droplets.
  9. 18. This is an example of a noncommunicable disease.
  1. 1. When pathogens land on surfaces, the surfaces become this.
  2. 3. This kind of germ can make you extremely sick.
  3. 5. This system fights disease.
  4. 7. These recognize germs and attacks them.
  5. 9. Most of these are caused by germs that get into the body.
  6. 11. This means to breathe in.
  7. 12. This shot can keep you from getting a disease.
  8. 13. Scientists are working to _____ and treat diseases.
  9. 15. germs can enter your body through here.