Health and Medicine

  1. 3. Shakings
  2. 5. Black and Blue
  3. 7. Scorched skin
  4. 8. Makes you healthier
  5. 9. Makes you curl up from pain
  6. 13. From sugar and being overweight
  7. 15. Hard to standup straight
  8. 16. Pain in your mouth
  9. 17. Makes you sweat
  10. 18. What you get from being hurt
  11. 19. Bones separated
  12. 20. Cover your mouth
  1. 1. Spinning
  2. 2. Typically happens to your ankles(type of injury)
  3. 4. Makes you want to vomit
  4. 6. Feels good for your muscles
  5. 10. Like a test, but from your doctor
  6. 11. What you eat
  7. 12. To see right through you
  8. 14. To cut open
  9. 17. Like COVID and the cold