Health and Wellness

  1. 3. Cough into this instead of your hands
  2. 6. Where prescriptions are prepared and dispensed
  3. 7. We should drink 6-8 cups of this per day
  4. 8. The feeling when food is needed
  5. 9. Where you go to have your teeth checked
  6. 10. Number of hours of sleep you need
  7. 13. "An _____ a day keeps the doctor away!"
  1. 1. Relating to disorders of the mind
  2. 2. Run at a slow, regulated speed
  3. 4. "____ is the best medicine!"
  4. 5. Where people go to get fit
  5. 6. Payment you make, usually monthly, for insurance
  6. 9. Condition where blood sugar cannot be regulated
  7. 11. Non-brand prescriptions are called this
  8. 12. Feeling the need to drink something