Health Nutrition

  1. 2. A nutrient that provides energy (20-30%), transports vitamins, and helps in brain development. There are two types--saturated and unsaturated.
  2. 5. Good fat, found in plant products (oils and nuts-except tropical oils). Moderate amounts can lead to a decreased risk of cardiovascular disease.
  3. 8. eat the _______________amount of calories for you
  4. 9. A substance or ingredients that promotes growth, provide energy, and maintains life
  5. 10. The main source of fuel for the body (45-65%), composed of two types--simple and complex.
  6. 12. cut back on foods___________in salt
  7. 16. What color is protein on MyPlate?
  8. 18. switch to what kind of milk?
  9. 19. pay attention to _______________and hunger
  10. 22. Assists in moving waste throughout the digestive system, found in whole grains, fruits and vegetables.
  11. 24. Substances in foods that assist in regulating the body's functions. There are two types--fat soluble and water soluble.
  12. 25. make at least half your grains______________
  13. 27. found in many processed foods and can increase the risk of high blood pressure/heart disease
  14. 28. Bad fat, with effects similar to saturated fat. This type of fat is created through processing hydrogen and vegetable oil, which makes the oil harden. Found in many processed foods, such as fried foods, cookies, crackers, muffins and hamburg buns.
  15. 31. whole_______________are better for you than refined grains
  16. 33. check the ____________________ list in food packages to find whole-grain foods
  17. 38. Micromineral; maintains healthy blood; Found in beans and fortified cereals.
  18. 39. Water soluble; for growth and function of various cells. It can be found in dark leafy greens, whole grain cereals, and salmon.
  19. 40. Starches, which give long-term energy, found in grains, pasta and root vegetables.
  20. 43. choose food and drinks with ______________ to no added sugars
  21. 46. cut back on foods high in ____________fats
  22. 48. What color is grains on MyPlate?
  23. 49. B Vitamins, and Vitamin C which dissolve in water (not stored in body)
  24. 52. Elements in food sources that aids the body's processes.
  25. 53. Macromineral; Aids in muscle and nerve functions, forms strong bones and teeth. Found in dairy products, broccoli, kale and spinach.
  26. 55. Fat soluble; This is beneficial to vision and can be found in orange vegetables, milk, and eggs
  1. 1. Micromineral; for 100 enzymes to carry out vital chemical reactions; found in shellfish, beef, poultry and pork.
  2. 3. Bad fat, found in animal products and tropical oils (palm and coconut). An increased amount of saturated fat in the diet can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and some cancers.
  3. 4. A, D, E, K, which dissolve in fat (can overdose on these; can be stored in body)
  4. 6. choose, ___________, frozen, canned, or dried fruits and vegetables
  5. 7. Provides _________ _______ ex: white breads or sugar Simple Carbohydrates
  6. 11. eat _______, orange, and dark green vegetables such as tomatoes, sweet potatoes, and broccoli
  7. 13. make _________ your plate fruits and vegetables
  8. 14. A substance that contains all the essential amino acids (animal products).
  9. 15. be __________________________active
  10. 17. Fat soluble; This is put in milk to help absorb and retain other nutrients. It will help form strong bones and teeth. found in salmon, tuna and egg yolks
  11. 20. Various sugars found in food, such as fructose (fruit sugar), lactose (milk sugar), and sucrose (table sugar) which give short-term energy.
  12. 21. fat free/low fat milk has the same______________________and less fat
  13. 23. A substance that lacks one or more of the essential amino acids (plant products).
  14. 26. choose a______________ of protein
  15. 29. drink more ________________
  16. 30. What color is dairy on MyPlate?
  17. 32. choose _______% whole-grain cereals, breads, crackers, rice, and pasta
  18. 34. Provides _______ _____ _____ EX Whole Grains Complex Carbohydrates
  19. 35. being physically active helps to ____________________calories
  20. 36. Transports vitamins, regulates body temperature and lubricates joints
  21. 37. choose whole or cut up fruits more than fruit ______________
  22. 41. Macromineral; needed to maintain normal levels of fluids in cells; found in dried fruits, beans, and potatoes
  23. 42. cut back on foods high in added ________________
  24. 44. needed in small amounts less than 100mg/day
  25. 45. Water soluble; This is found in citrus fruits, green peppers and tomatoes. It helps to strengthen the immune system and gums.
  26. 47. Substances in our food that build and repair cells, as well as, provide energy (10-15%); composed of two types-complete and incomplete.
  27. 50. needed in larger amounts; more than 100mg/day
  28. 51. keep meat and poultry portions_____________ and lean
  29. 54. look our for salt or________________ in foods that you buy