  1. 3. face masks
  2. 5. as much as you want
  3. 10. soy and meats
  4. 11. salad
  5. 13. fat or skinny
  6. 15. serving size
  7. 17. concern of ones body weight
  8. 19. brownies
  9. 20. slim quick
  10. 21. crisco
  1. 1. pacific ocean
  2. 2. oranges
  3. 4. overeat
  4. 6. fat
  5. 7. simple and complex
  6. 8. scale
  7. 9. made up of proteins.
  8. 12. throwing up
  9. 14. little to no food
  10. 16. fast or slow depending on genes and body type
  11. 18. standard amount