
  1. 2. Feel Bad
  2. 3. To have a scratchy throat
  3. 9. To have a runny nose
  4. 11. Tissue
  5. 12. To have an ear ache
  6. 15. Infection
  7. 17. Flu
  8. 18. Soar Throat
  1. 1. To have a throat ache
  2. 3. To have burning eyes
  3. 4. To have a stomach ache
  4. 5. Good Health
  5. 6. Handkerchief
  6. 7. To have fever
  7. 8. Shiver
  8. 10. To Cough
  9. 12. To have a headache
  10. 13. Health
  11. 14. Allergy
  12. 16. To Sneeze
  13. 18. To have a cold