
  1. 3. A disase you get if you eat too much sugar
  2. 8. What keeps the doctor away
  3. 10. The type of mindset you need to have to be lealthy
  4. 12. The way you need to eat, to be healthy
  5. 14. A reason for acting some kind of way, inspiration
  6. 15. What is the best medicine
  1. 1. Meat, eggs, beans and fish are all good sources of...
  2. 2. Nutriens that you get from sun, fruit and vegetables
  3. 4. love Component of a healthy ego
  4. 5. You need to get atleast 8-10 hours of...
  5. 6. Slow running
  6. 7. You should drink atleast 8 classes of...
  7. 9. Another word for healing
  8. 11. First meal of the day
  9. 13. A training that helps to relief stress, practiced in a group