Health/Sickness and Well-Being

  1. 4. Treatment of mental or physical illness, often involving counseling
  2. 6. Doctors often write down medications to help patients manage their symptoms.
  3. 8. I went to see his dentist about my____
  4. 10. Eating a variety of foods in the right proportions to maintain health.
  5. 11. Physical activity aimed at improving fitness and overall health.
  1. 1. A state of being comfortable, healthy, and happy
  2. 2. A long-term health condition, like diabetes or asthma
  3. 3. I had a large _____ on my leg where my brother had kicked me
  4. 5. Maintaining a regular exercise routine helps people stay in___.
  5. 7. A disease that can spread from person to person
  6. 9. The process of returning to health after an illness or injury