Healthy Crossword

  1. 2. Lifting weights is a good way to strengthen ________
  2. 3. All your body parts together
  3. 4. Running would be considered ________ level of exercise
  4. 6. To walk, jog, or run is an example of this
  5. 7. Clear liquid you drink
  6. 8. Something you do that can be physical
  7. 11. A lot of stretching, and yoga can improve your ___________
  8. 14. Doing exercise for a long amount of time
  9. 16. Patterns that are acquired over time
  10. 18. someone saying you can't do it would be _________ encouragement
  11. 19. Planned physical movement
  12. 20. Requires some sort of movement with your body
  13. 22. Something in pop and other stuff that is bad for you, and also is a sweetener
  1. 1. exercising can make you very ______
  2. 2. Jogging would be considered ________ level of exercise
  3. 5. Oranges and other citrus fruits are good examples of these
  4. 6. To get encouraged to do something
  5. 9. Celery, Lettuce, and other grown vegetables are examples of these
  6. 10. Being from earth makes you ______
  7. 11. Parts of the body people don't like (weights less than muscle)
  8. 12. someone saying you can do it would be _______ encouragement
  9. 13. Walking would be considered _____ level of exercise
  10. 15. Opposite of being healthy
  11. 17. Things that keep you from exercising
  12. 21. Football, Hockey, and Baseball are all a type of _______