Healthy Lifestyle

  1. 1. Found in bread or pasta
  2. 5. ... Diet / ... Lifestyle
  3. 8. Recommended daily activity
  4. 10. You will not be able to do this if you don't sleep enough
  5. 12. Sweet snack found on trees
  6. 13. Disease caused from a exceedingly high intake of sugars
  7. 16. Summer and winter sporting events
  8. 18. Unhealthy meals (Burger king / McDonald's)
  9. 19. 8-10 hours needed daily
  10. 20. How many different types of diabetes exist
  1. 2. Exercise can help with this
  2. 3. Keeps the doctors away
  3. 4. 2L of this should be drank everyday
  4. 6. Daily physical activity is essential for this
  5. 7. Contained in brightly coloured fruits
  6. 9. How many Stages of sleep exist
  7. 11. Good source of protein
  8. 14. Percentage of adults that have obesity
  9. 15. Good way to exercise at home
  10. 17. Major distraction when studying