Healthy Minds, Healthy Bodies

  1. 2. has an impact on a person's mental and physical well-being
  2. 5. general emotional dejection and withdrawal
  3. 6. helps lower stress-hormone levels
  4. 7. you might need a little extra to succeed in your health quest
  5. 9. the state of being happy and healthy
  6. 10. health studies show that having these may ward off depression, boost self-esteem, and provide support
  7. 11. our efap provider
  8. 13. consistently practicing this with others has been shown to decrease stress
  9. 16. a state of psychological well-being
  10. 18. practice good __________ balance
  11. 19. increase these skills for enhanced mental well-being
  12. 20. research shows that ______ can lower blood pressure, heart rate, and anxiety
  13. 21. professional guidance
  14. 22. Making simple changes to your diet can increase this
  15. 25. a great program that might give you the motivation you need
  16. 26. brain's feel-good neurotransmitters
  17. 30. focus of one's attention on the emotions and thoughts occurring in the present moment
  18. 32. available from Homewood Health to support your nutrition
  19. 34. relieves tension and improves immune function
  20. 35. increase this and have a younger heart and circulatory system
  21. 36. learning how to manage this can have a positive impact on your life
  22. 37. one of planning sessions highlighted in January through the Working Wellness Project
  1. 1. known as the body's stress-hormone
  2. 3. even faking it has positive health benefits
  3. 4. an ability to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or change
  4. 8. can act as a stress reliever
  5. 12. __________counters the effects of stress by slowing the heart rate and lowering blood pressure
  6. 14. great mood enhancer...and good exercise
  7. 15. the goal is 10,000 a day
  8. 16. promotes relaxation
  9. 17. don't __________, be happy
  10. 23. the goal is to attain a state of deep spiritual insight and tranquility.
  11. 24. a particular state of mind or emotion
  12. 27. having a positive outlook
  13. 28. get enough to take on the day
  14. 29. the star of February's challenge
  15. 31. get this to improve your physical well-being
  16. 33. there are over ____________ e-learning courses offered to employees and highlighted this month
  17. 36. peaceful and composed