
  1. 3. upper 2 chambers of the heart
  2. 6. X-ray recording of arteries
  3. 8. beat of the heart
  4. 9. Drug administered under the tongue
  5. 12. Inner lining of the heart
  6. 14. largest vein in the heart
  7. 15. when veins are inflammed
  1. 1. abnormal heart rhythm
  2. 2. enlargement of the heart
  3. 4. lower 2 chambers of the heart
  4. 5. Our hearts pump this through the lungs and travels to the heart
  5. 7. swelling of a blood vessel
  6. 10. tool to use to hear the sounds of the heart
  7. 11. less than 60 beats per second
  8. 13. smallest vein